10 February 2015
Introducing BitPay Labs
At BitPay, we believe that reliable, open source bitcoin infrastructure is crucial to widespread adoption. That's why we're constantly releasing and contributing to open source Bitcoin projects. Today we're taking the next step by releasing Labs – discussion forums for all of our open source bitcoin projects.
To make way for the next wave of enterprise bitcoin adoption, we've open-sourced and continued development of Bitcore, the bitcoin platform at the center of our business services. To advance bitcoin wallet security and ease-of-use, we developed BIP 45 and Copay, an open source, HD, multi-signature wallet platform. With this foundation, we've released projects like BitAuth, Insight, and Foxtrot.
Today we're opening up BitPay Labs, discussion forums for our open source bitcoin projects.
BitPay Labs is the perfect place to ask questions, get feedback, and discuss ideas for improving on open source bitcoin projects. Each project has a Lab, and project maintainers are actively working with the community to answer questions, find solutions, and guide development.
We hope this will help the entire bitcoin community better participate in open source development, and we're excited to work with you. Please head on over to BitPay Labs and join in the conversation.